With the goddess of love. This is a time for turning a critical eye to our dreams, goals, hopes, contributions, social structures, social lives, friendships, and community involvement. Your interests are evolving, and you may become quite serious about certain topics and studies with Saturn’s new transit of Aquarius and your communications sector, dear Sagittarius. How can you manage your day-to-day life, and your body, more effectively? Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. Saturn rules limitations (makes sense, since it’s the farthest planet from Earth still visible to the naked eye), constrictions (interesting, since everyone knows Saturn for its rings), and structure. In fact, you might be faced with life events that force you to restructure these things, or at least provide you with the motivation to get your act together. It’s a potentially powerful time for you to get your life on track or to launch a new, practical initiative. You tend to take things a little more seriously, for better or for worse, and this means you can focus on one or two things and do them well. In time, you will find ways to satisfy this need. You’ve made significant changes to these relationships, left behind a romance, or strengthened your stance on how you derive pleasure from your life. Know that this period in your life, while temporary, is a time for learning about your personal limits as well as your inner strength. In some cases, others’ demands are unreasonable, and you may face this fact now. It’s a fine time to show the world what you can do. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. We want to sort and analyze issues now. This can also be a time when you give of yourself to others, as you are valuing charity more than usual. As Saturn moves closer to your fourth house (it will enter the fourth in 2023), there may be some vague feeling of urgency and worry, as if you sense some things in your life are closing, and they may very well be. Under good conditions and ideally, Saturn gives us a dose of realism without pessimism, essentially keeping us in line without dampening our spirits (too much). Saturn will be moving in retrograde motion from 11 th May to 29 th September 2020. Things nag at the back of our minds. Understand that moderation at this point in your life is necessary for your spiritual growth and your physical body as well. This Saturday, March 21, Saturn enters Aquarius at 11:57 PM ET, where it will remain until March 7 2023. With Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius, we value practical accomplishment on human and technological levels. Pisces rules empathy, selfless love, devotion, and wisdom. At times during this transit, challenges can come to your communications during this cycle. December 17, 2020 Saturn is finally moving back into Aquarius! You should be at a point where you know, realistically, what you are doing and where you are headed professionally. Things nag at the back of our minds. If moves are made, you might encounter some resistance in yourself to make that change. You may sometimes feel pushed to discover your independence or to rely on yourself during this period. The Moon continues to transit Sagittarius to 3:17 PM EST, sparking a desire to learn and discover. Tests can come to your friendships during this long-term cycle. Jupiter and Saturn align in your partnership sector in December 2020. While this influence weaves  in and out in 2020, you’ll experience it more consistently from December 17th, 2020, forward. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. It’s a great time for technological advances that improve the community, that bring more structure to our lives, and that help us connect more effectively. Saturn in Aquarius 2020 to 2023: General Influences Aquarius is non-conformist, often going against the status quo. Physically, this may be a rather low period when you don’t have that extra “oomph” or drive to accomplish more than what is already on your plate. The term of this transit is one of greater realism and practicality. While this aspect can incline us to doubt our perceptions, as the day advances, we enjoy a Mercury-Pallas conjunction and head towards a Mercury-Sun alignment, exact tomorrow morning, helping us discern and focus. During this trine, you feel more comfortable with who you are. It’s a powerful period for commitments and partnering since you’ll be getting a strong sense of who and what is best for you. You are exceptionally security-minded at this time and you can begin or step up savings plans. In December 2020, Saturn meets Jupiter in this area of your chart, and you can reach a career peak of sorts. Authority figures are ruled by this sector of the chart as well. In 2021, Virgo Ascendants and Suns from 2-13 degrees are most directly impacted. It is also associated with mechanical breakdowns in your life. You are very protective of your work and routines, and Saturn now wants you to take a hard look at these very things, which can be awkward and uncomfortable at first. The last time this influence occurred was from 1991 to early 1994 — it doesn’t happen often! Aquarius is a fixed air sign, and can be quite opinionated, intellectual, detached, and fair-minded. This happens to both you and Sagittarius because you both have a special relationship with Aquarius. What I mean by that is your morals, self-worth, and material possessions are all being highlighted for the next couple of years and you’re being pushed to develop a more realistic attitude toward them. If involved in a casual love relationship, when Saturn transits the seventh, you might feel an urge (or pressure) to make a commitment or a redefinition of your bond. There can be nice opportunities to make long-lasting connections. The morning’s Mercury-Chiron semi-square challenges us to. Impatience will not be rewarded. It’s a good time to organize your finances. Pin. Pin. It’s all about liberating the free individual. Saturn in Aquarius in business: Live your truth – be who you are, be honest, be straightforward. The shadow side of this position is allowing ourselves to be victimized or deluded, as well as evasiveness. Because you have a more mature grasp of our own capabilities, you project a more responsible, perhaps serious, and self-assured personality to others. There can be important accomplishments in publishing or education for some of you. Be ethical and inclusive. We cannot talk about Saturn in Aquarius without putting it into the context of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21st, 2020, at 0° Aquarius. One of the major sources of stress and guilt in our lives stems from uncertainty. You may feel an unusual pressure to structure your time and effort, and to cut out communication that seems unnecessary. It can be a good time for meaningful relationships as well as creative productivity. You’ll be striving toward a more realistic approach to achieving your dreams and goals. In 2022: Saturn transits/spans the following degrees of Aquarius in 2022: Saturn shows us that we grow through our failures as much as, or perhaps more than, our successes. Its cycle is quicker, so it won’t transit this area of your chart concurrently for the whole Saturn transit, but it’s a really nice cushion to have going in. Ego boosts don’t seem to be forthcoming, or if they are, you don’t see them in such a light. Here's what the Saturn in Aquarius 2020 horoscope has in store. By the time Saturn’s done with its time in Aquarius, your life will have undergone a major upgrade. Carry these lessons as you move beyond this phase, because how you handle your life now will make all the difference the next time (7 years later) Saturn makes a hard aspect to the same planet or point in your chart. With Saturn in the background of your chart, you might often feel quite free of constraints. Mental and Physical Health: Saturn will govern the 12th house of expenditure, hospital or longevity. With a Capricorn Moon, we strive for increased self-sufficiency, and the Moon’s trine to Mars tonight reinforces this theme. Belt-tightening is in order and very useful. Initially, you may feel unloved or question your lovability, and perhaps you may feel somewhat neglected or ignored. Jupiter and Saturn form their next conjunction on December 21 of 2020 in the first degree of Aquarius, and so most of 2020 took place during the end of their cycle. Placing restrictions can be supportive only up to a point. As with all Saturn transits, at the outset, you might reach out and look for validation from the outside world and from others, and find something lacking in so doing. You are taking a realistic look at what you’ve built and what you’ve achieved. Are your belief systems sound? Put things to rest. You may be more discriminating when it comes to making new friends, or circumstances are such that you spend less energy (and perhaps more concentrated energy) on networking and involvement in your community or in teams and groups. It’s been a long time coming, in fact, the last time was in 1994 … do you remember where you were then? Perhaps we perform some kind of small ritual that we feel will help protect us or give us good luck. You’re learning to require a reasonable level of respect from your relationships, not only to employers, clients, and co-workers, but to people in your personal life as well. Saturn moves into Aquarius for just just about a 3 year period from Saturn in Aquarius - March 21, 2020 until July 1, 2020 and then from December 17, 2020 until March 7, 2023 due to 5-1/2 month Retrograde back into Capricorn. Saturn is the planet of disease, recessed economic activity, poverty, hardship, austerity, loss, fear and restraint and from December 20, 2017 to March 22, 2020 his transit of Capricorn had some influence over trends and events related to business, business practices, industry and industry practices.. On March 22, 2020 Saturn moved to Aquarius where his restriction, loss and … Basically, what happens is a form of paring or slimming down in the area of life affected by Saturn. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. By the time Saturn enters the sixth house in 2023, you should have a solid sense of what makes you different than others, and a realistic and concrete belief in your own creative talents. You might feel a void in your life now and ache for a true equal in a partner. At the beginning of the transit, you might be more accountable than ever when it comes to your work. Something as simple as a superstition or ritual for good luck can undermine us since we are giving away our power over ourselves to this compulsive behavior. We have to work and save–and that is what Saturn teaches us. This transit acts to transform your self-confidence in such a way that you question the source of your confidence to date, and discover a more solid base for pulling up inner strength and thus true confidence. In the initial stages of the transit, there can be some moments when you feel a little somber, skeptical, or disillusioned. The fifth house also rules your children, and more specifically, one’s first child. If you’ve cut corners, however, this can be a time of dealing with those consequences and making things right. You can help this process along by actively strengthening vulnerable areas. Commitments are made or tested. Saturn at 7° Aquarius 14’ forms a square with Uranus at 7° Taurus 14' on February 17th, 2021. Oof. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. If not, remember that relationships lost during a Saturn transit to your partnership sector, if at all, may have needed to end. The need for more discipline and organization when it comes to managing children may be in order now. Jupiter aligns with Saturn to form the Great Conjunction, forms a square to Uranus while in Aquarius. At some point during Saturn’s movement through Aquarius, Saturn will be transiting square your Sun (or Ascendant). Major projects may come to fruition, and this can be a time for reaping their rewards, but there can be some disappointment now as well if you haven’t achieved what you wanted to accomplish. Physically, this may be a rather low period when you don’t have that extra “oomph” or drive to accomplish more than what is already on your plate. Think of this time as a period ideal for making repairs and renovations. You might take a hard look at the role you play in others’ lives, and consider exactly what it is that satisfies you and contributes to your happiness, beyond partnership, romance, career, religion, and so forth. Saturn will transit Aquarius in a 2 ½ to 3-year trek starting briefly from March 21-July 1, 2020 and from December 17, 2020-March 7, 2023. This is also an excellent time for simplifying and structuring your life. It’s a good time to organize and structure your home life–your mind seems to unclutter as you simplify things. With the Sun in Pisces, we are guided by altruistic feelings. New Moon Chart: February 11, 2021, in Aquarius. Jul  1, 2020      7:37 PM  EDT Saturn Rx enters Capricorn Your work or accomplishments are now more visible. These become glaring under Saturn’s stern eye. Saturn offers us realism, and with his sextile to your Sun/Ascendant, you see yourself and your capabilities more clearly and realistically. If we get rid of this superstition, we feel stronger. Accountability and “tough love” are the name of Saturn’s game, and the hard lessons it encourages you to learn correlate to the themes of whatever sign it’s traveling through. At some point during Saturn’s movement through Aquarius, Saturn will be transiting square your Sun (or Ascendant)–this depends very much on the degree of your Taurus Sun or Ascendant (earlier degrees receive this transit earlier than later degrees). This process can be useful up to a certain point, as you are learning to see yourself more realistically–without rose-colored glasses–so that you can move forward with a stronger sense of purpose. The sixth house, where Saturn is currently transiting in your chart or solar chart, is very much associated with Virgo. In 2022, 12 to 25 degrees Sagittarius receive the direct transits. You are especially open to receiving grounded, practical advice, and benefit from humbly learning from others. This is a good time for organized learning in the form of taking courses and finding solid and useful ways to improve your skills. Reforms and efforts to strengthen, build, or rebuild structures are likely in the areas of groups and communities,  friendships, science, technology, astrology, the rights of the individual. Sun is in Pisces from February 18-March 20, 2021. Still, this can be a time when some relationships go through healing. You might also recognize a strong need for deeper conversations, and some impatience with more superficial connections and topics, which can now seem quite distracting. It’s also a time for improving your communications and transportation systems to increase your income. While Saturn in Capricorn was about self-preservation in many ways, Saturn in Aquarius is more focused on preserving the group. You are in a great position to evaluate whether you are getting enough time for adequate sleep, rest, and reflection. Worries can surface about your earning power, but as you progress, the ideal end result will be a stronger sense of what you are capable of earning, better spending and saving habits, and a more realistic budget. You may find that previous methods of controlling your environment and the people in your lives simply are not effective anymore. At some point during Saturn’s stay in Aquarius, Saturn will form a trine to your Sun (or Ascendant). Saturn is transiting your all-important first house/your sign from March 21, 2020, until July 1, 2020, and then later, more consistently, from December 17, 2020, until March 7, 2023. With the goddess of love in Pisces, our love is all-embracing, we are able to forgive and understand, we are seducible and seductive, and we show compassion to our partners. Friendships or causes can drain you at times if you are giving too much while ignoring your own needs. Towards the end of the transit, you may have eliminated some deep-seated habits and attachments that have been preventing you from feeling emotionally free. You could feel that you are dealing with endings more than new beginnings in some areas of life during this transit, as you let go of outdated attachments and unconsciously prepare yourself for Saturn’s transit of Pisces beginning in March 2023, when you will work diligently on reworking your individuality and personal identity. This Saturday, March 21, Saturn enters Aquarius at 11:57 PM ET, where it will remain until March 7 2023. Saturn enters the sign of Aquarius on March 21st. Strengthened relationships with authority figures or older people in your life may play a supportive role in your life now, largely due to your own humbler attitude. During this cycle, you’ll be straightening out your daily affairs, work, routines, health, habits, and self-care programs. Successes can be realized now. Therefore, it spends about 2 years in each sign. This transit can also stimulate a stronger desire for long-term, real connections, or it may bring a more mature or serious partner into your life. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. Saturn occupies the sign of Aquarius from March 21, 2020 to July 1, 2020; and then later from December 17, 2020, to March 7, 2023. This transit is felt more strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Aries, or the degree of your Aries Ascendant. Venus aligns with Saturn early today, forms a sextile to Chiron this morning, and forms a square to Uranus tonight. At this point, it will be official – a new story has begun! Getting rid of outdated attachments, and examining and discarding irrational fears, is not only necessary for further growth and development — it’s ultimately a huge relief. An unusually large number of planets/bodies are in Aquarius at the time of this lunation. But for many of us, as soon as something is defined, structured, or committed, we might feel caged, trapped, or limited. Some commitments or plans might need to be let go. After a five-and-a-half-month trip through Capricorn, Saturn is returning to Aquarius on December 17, 2020—and this time it's staying there until March 7, 2023. It’s a strong time for literally slimming down if that’s a goal, although Jupiter’s partially concurrent influence (from December 19, 2020, to May 13, 2021, and July 28, 2021, to December 28, 2021) can counteract this in spots. Your life seems more stable during this time period, likely because you are able to look at yourself in a realistic and reasonable manner, and because you are less vulnerable to self-delusion. You might recognize the need to concentrate, focus, and specialize now, and this is a period for adding more structure to your life by setting reasonable but definite goals. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Basically, you’re going through a factory reset so you can start from scratch and totally reinvent yourself when Saturn is in your sign in 2022. You might feel restricted in terms of making acquaintances and enjoying other people’s company at times. This square also happens for Taurus. 07febOverview of the DayFebruary 7, 2021Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: sunday) EST Event Type :Daily Overview, Sunday, FEBRUARY 7 Once you relinquish these burdens, you can dedicate yourself to establishing a more stable living situation and finding inner peace and stability that will keep you supported for years to come. Some of you might be working more diligently and regularly on your creative pursuits. It’s difficult to connect with others now, because this is a period when putting yourself first is a must. For Leo: Tests and strengthening of partnerships, one-on-one relationships. Saturn also tests, not for the fun of it but for our own sakes. However, typically if health concerns manifest during this transit, they are manageable with some reorganization and structure. This can be experienced as a balancing influence, or you may feel that matters expand and restrict alternately. The next few years may contain strenuous labor, but the rewards for your hard work will be more than worth the effort you put forth. Another important theme emerging with this transit is taking an honest and mature look at jealousy. Delays and little but irksome problems might be experienced. This stage of your life is a practical one–it’s a period for a more responsible and realistic approach to money and possessions. In 2021: Saturn transits/spans the following degrees of Aquarius in 2021: Has a New Man, Y’all. While there can be moments of tension or stress, you no longer view your place in the world, career, reputation, and standing in society with rose-colored glasses, and this aids decision-making. This is a good time to process recent events and ideas. With a windy gale at its back, Saturn in Aquarius will turn its scythe toward unknown terrain in order to gather and harvest wisdom off the mainstream path and beyond the norm. If you’re in the process of studying, you might begin questioning what it is exactly that you are working towards, or the usefulness of your course of study. This can be a time when you feel renewed and ready to work for what you want. People we relied on may seem less reliable at this time. You work on your effectiveness in the world, and see exactly what has been holding you back from achieving the results you want. I am tempted to say you are now seeing your relationship for what it is, but do remember that flaws are very much in focus, and your perspective may be skewed a little towards the negative before you reach a more balanced and realistic perspective. You might scrutinize the belief system that you have held to date, and question your faith — in others, in yourself, and in life itself. If you’ve been overdoing a supportive role, or if you’ve been scattering your energies and haven’t truly noted just how much you do, then Saturn here will stimulate you to tidy up. This transit is not typically considered a difficult Saturn transit, and you may very well welcome the added structure in your life, but you may be doing more work or chores than usual. At the end of this cycle, you’ll have built a stronger foundation. The void Moon occurs from 1:17 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Mercury), until the Moon enters Capricorn at 3:52 PM EST. You are learning to give to others what you want to receive from them. This can also be a period of teaching others what you have learned. Also, it may be helpful to face complex emotions in your relationships without glossing them over or dismissing them as “not part of you.” Projection is a funny thing, and with Saturn here, you’ll see it happening and it’s time to work on it. In 2022, 12 to 25 degrees Cancer receive the direct transits. Whether your talents and abilities, and your unique individuality and character, are recognized by others becomes a hot spot. Mar 21, 2020    11:58 PM  EDT You can be filled with desire–or circumstances create a need–for more structure in all or any of these areas of life, including children, romance, creativity, and recreation. Detach yourself from these things as much as possible. In the sign of Aquarius, friendship, brotherhood, group activities, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, humanitarian efforts, or joining a group will be a strong focus. See how this Jupiter in Aquarius transit affects the signs of the zodiac later in the page. This is a strong period for re-organizing and restructuring your home life. This is the time to fix whatever it is that you have let slide in the past. On December 17, 2020, Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius and will transit there for about the next three years. Some sort of buckling down is necessary at this time, and you might perceive limitations as coming from other people or from “unlucky” circumstances. You might let go of relationships built on weak foundations, or work on strengthening them. You may need to define boundaries more clearly in your relationships if sharing of power, time, money, and resources feels very off, and it often does during this transit. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Healthy partnerships can be the outcome, whether they are new ones or strengthened existing partnerships. This gives more power to your communications sector — you are functioning on your own terms. Rest assured that Saturn will re-work these feelings, with your help of course, until you reach a point (as Saturn moves through the first house or passes over your Sun in Aquarius) when you have a stronger sense of self. You may initially feel bogged down by what seems like undue pressure in your routines or everyday life. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. We’re inclined to focus these rebuilding and reforming energies and visions on our humanitarian impulses, contributions to society, social life, technological development, causes, and friendships. Your desire nature? I have already written extensively about the astrology of the current situation, together with numerous articles about the huge stellium in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus – the combination of which is now tearing us apart. Saturn’s opposition to your sign does put some pressure on you. While we can be working hard, we’re not working against the grain–for the most part, there’s support or our realistic confidence supports us. Aquarius is forward-looking, passing on information to others in inventive ways, and is innovative and unique. I have already written extensively about the astrology of the current situation, together with numerous articles about the huge stellium in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus – the … With Saturn transiting your (solar) eighth house, you’ll be answering these questions truthfully and honestly. People born between February 6, … Saturn transits Aquarius from 2020 to 2023 and people are already getting wild with excitement. Alliances might be made, and partnering matters are strong, committed, clear, and beneficial. Saturn at 7° Aquarius 14’ forms a square with Uranus at 7° Taurus 14′ on February 17th, 2021. Along the way, you may face some tests to a current relationship’s strength. 17feb2:07 pmSaturn square UranusPlanetary Aspect2:07 pm EST Event Type :Planetary Aspect, Saturn square Uranus Saturn loves to fix things that are worthwhile, favouring that process over starting anew. With Saturn in Aquarius, we also recognize that as we are more responsible for ourselves, we impact and improve the community or collective. Your natural talents can contribute more to your personal income than previously. Firming up areas of your life that have become wasteful can benefit you in many ways. The best way to handle Saturn’s transit through your sign is to meet your responsibilities to the best of your ability. 25feb8:11 amVenus enters PiscesPlanetary Ingress8:11 am EST Event Type :Planetary Ingress, Venus enters Pisces Now, Saturn in Aquarius is your golden opportunity to make progressive, inclusive changes to the world around you—but Saturn isn’t doing all the work for you! If you already have a partner, this is a time when any problems surrounding compromise, flexibility, and the ability to give your heart to your partner will surface. As a Virgo rising myself, it really pains me to say that Saturn in Aquarius is not treating Virgos very kindly for the next couple of years. 22º Aquarius 26′ to 30º Aquarius 00′. It can also be a period of teaching others or coming to the end of a cycle of learning, personal interests, or business. You might also be questioning your own worth, again finding many flaws that you may have previously glossed over. Things nag at the back of our minds. In 2020, it impacts mostly those born with a Scorpio Sun from October 23-25 and those with a Scorpio Ascendant of 0-2 degrees–a very small window. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Since Saturn spends more than two years in a sign at a time (and takes almost three decades to go through all 12 signs), Saturn entering Aquarius is kiiind of a big deal. For Libra: Creative expression, entertainment, romance, children, and hobbies are areas of belt-tightening, realism, tests, commitments, and increased discipline. You might feel some disdain for the superficial workings of casual friendships, and begin to feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about “going through the motions,” doing and saying the right things, and so forth. The twelfth house is a comfortable area for you–you understand it more than most. Looking outside of yourself for “ego strokes” (whether through romance or other such “applause”) may prove to be fruitless.