Applicants must meet the following requirements: Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Marketing & Sales, Public Auditing, Risk- & Insurance Management, Tourism- & Eventmanagement Diploma, bachelor or master degree and/or Karriereperspektiven: Absolvent/inn/en machen Karriere im Bereich Consulting, Audit, Asset und Risk Management oder Controlling und bekleiden anspruchsvolle leitende Positionen. tätig. Our innovative Campus WU and its state-of-the-art infrastructure provide space for discourse, exchange, and networking. The Master of Science in Supply Chain Management WU offers a … Ihre Daten werden mit Ausnahme des beauftragten Umfrageinstituts niemals an Dritte weitergegeben. The Master in Management is a full-time, English-taught degree program, targeting business bachelor graduates. "SEEP is a unique programme teaching critical thinking about the triple conjuncture of global crises and the transformative responses required.". Die WU bietet eine Vielzahl an Zusatzangeboten zur Kompetenzerweiterung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung an. Seat confirmation deposit. Our Master in Management (MiM) Program is designed to prepare you for a wide range of career options across multiple industries, by allowing you to tailor your curriculum to your interests and career goals.. 37036, Ext. the Mondi International Scholarship. Die Breite der Ausbildung gewährleistet beste Arbeitsmarktchancen und vielfältige Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten.". In the WU Master’s Program in Quantitative Finance (QFin), you will gain strong financial and computational skills that will make you sought-after in the global finance sector. Thank you! 6 were here. Wann startet der nächste Bewerbungszeitraum? Der Großteil der WU Masterstudierenden hat je nach Studienrichtung noch vor dem Anschluss ein konkretes Jobangebot. Dieses Plus wird auch am Arbeitsmarkt besonders geschätzt.". Die WU bietet auch 8 englischsprachige Masterprogramme an. Für jedes Studienprogramm gibt es ein individuelles Aufnahmeverfahren und spezielle Voraussetzungen. An der WU begegnen sich knapp 21.000 Studierende aus rund 110 Ländern und vernetzen sich in einem Umfeld, das von Weltoffenheit und Diversität geprägt ist. You learn about economic theories and empirical research methods and how to apply them to economic and political questions. Genau diese Fähigkeit macht sie sehr begehrt auf dem Arbeitsmarkt.". “We offer you an ambitious, internationally oriented master’s program. Themen wie soziale Ungleichheit, ökologische Zerstörung oder entfesselte Märkte werden analysiert und Lösungen zu gesellschaftlichen Problemen erarbeitet. An der WU zu studieren bedeutet mehr als Vorlesungen zu absolvieren und Prüfungen abzulegen. Thanks to the broad range of available programs, career opportunities abound. Masterabsolvent/inn/en der WU habe exzellente Berufschancen. To reserve a place in the program once admitted, you are required to submit a non-refundable deposit of 10% of the tuition fee (MBA/Master of Laws) or € 1,000 (University Certificate Programs), which is applied to the total tuition. Check out this guide for important information about your WU master’s program. Students learn how to operate successfully in digital business contexts. The 24-month-long program will provide you with the know-how and skills to succeed in a global business environment and to become a multicultural as well as multilingual leader. For specific questions about individual master’s programs, please use the contact form on the overview page of the respective program. The Master's program in Supply Chain Management at WU Vienna prepares graduates to stand out in this challenging and critically important career field. Bitte schenken Sie uns 3 Minuten Ihrer Zeit und helfen Sie mit, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit unserer Website zu verbessern. Managing complex supply chain networks efficiently Global supply chains are becoming more and more complex. More information. All of WU’s master’s programs are regularly updated to reflect the state-of-the-art in business and economics research. am 17. After completing a master’s degree, continuing your academic career with a doctoral or PhD program is a further option. Verantwortungsbewusst die Zukunft managen Das Programm vermittelt Führungstheorien, Managementinstrumente und soziale Kompetenz. Exceptional management of the procurement, production and delivery of a firm's products and services - its supply chain - is an essential part of modern business life. Studying at WU is more than just attending classes and taking exams: A broad selection of additional offerings is available to help students widen their skill set and promote personal and professional development. Click here for an overview of WU’s wide range of extracurricular programs. You will not be asked to provide any personal data. The Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights was established in reaction to present-day challenges generatedby digitalization, globalization and neoliberalism. Dafür erlangen Sie Expertise in den Bereichen Wirtschaftspädagogik und Erziehungswissenschaften. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Voraussetzungen und das Aufnahmeverfahren zu Ihrem Wunschstudium. Karriereperspektiven: Absolvent/inn/en machen Karriere an der Schnittstelle zwischen Recht und Wirtschaft. The Master in International Management/CEMS is an exclusive international management joint degree program of WU Vienna University Economics and Business and the CEMS Alliance. 37000 Press, Media and Public Relations +43-1-4277 Ext. Set the course for a successful future with a WU master’s program, On track for success with a WU master’s program. University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. You will learn to apply empirical methods and concepts to systematically plan and implement successful marketing strategies. CFO von morgen werden Das Programm vermittelt die Themen Finance und Accounting interdisziplinär. 3 talking about this. WU Master's Day If you are interested in studying at WU Vienna and would like to get more information on the 8 English-Language and 7 German-Language Programs, you are invited to join our online event WU Master's Day on November 4. Details zur Bewerbung finden Sie unter Bewerbung und Zulassung.Bei Fragen unterstützt Sie unsere Studienzulassung. WU Alumni sind in allen Bereichen der Wirtschaft gefragt. We would appreciate it if you could take 3 minutes of your time to participate in our survey and help us improve the quality of our website. All of WU’s master’s programs are regularly updated to reflect the state-of-the-art in business and economics research. Karriereperspektiven: Absolvent/inn/en übernehmen Positionen mit Führungsverantwortung: Geschäftsführung, Exportleitung, zentrale Beratungsinstanz, Management von Exportfinanzierung oder Exportmarketing. Vernetzung von Steuerrecht und Accounting Das Studium kombiniert Rechnungslegung, betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre und Steuerrecht. The program will provide you with the know-how and skills to succeed in a global business environment and to become a multicultural as well as multilingual leader. bis zum Bewerbungsstart für das Studienjahr 2021/22 am, 5 Gründe, um an der WU Wien zu studieren. The wide selection of electives allows students to specialize and customize their program based on their personal interests, strengths, and career plans. 53,670 were here. Find out more! By clicking on "Close" or continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to the use of cookies. Für die Zulassung zu einem Masterstudium sollte ein einschlägiges Bachelorstudium abgeschlossen sein. To be admitted to a master’s program, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline. Globalization affects all areas of political, economic and social life. Kann zum WU Master Management nichts sagen außer, dass du dir da einen Master ausgesucht hast, für den du nicht extra nach Wien ziehen musst. Februar 2021 Startet um 17:00 - Endet um 18:30. Sie machen Karriere in der Steuerberatung und der Wirtschaftsprüfung oder arbeiten im Controlling und im Rechnungswesen. Graduates are awarded a Master of Science (WU) degree, which is abbreviated as an MSc (WU). An international program with a global scope  This program provides ideal qualifications for international management careers, including invaluable international experience at a CEMS partner school. It is embedded in a unique global network of business schools and corporate partners, and it ranks among the best management programs in the world.”. Career prospects: Graduates initiate, design, and implement digital innovation at organizations or start their own digital businesses. "Marketing is the ideal choice for students who wish to obtain both practical qualifications and solid methodological and conceptual skills to succeed in today’s challenging business environment.”. Export- und Internationalisierungsmanagement, Strategy, Innovation and Management Control. Professional MBA Energy Management. Part-time professional MBA programs with an ideal combination of general management, leadership and functional specialist know how. “CEMS is a very international program. Juristische Top-Ausbildung mit wirtschaftlichem Weitblick Das Programm ermöglicht eine profunde juristische Ausbildung gepaart mit umfassendem betriebswirtschaftlichen Know-how. The Master’s degree program in Executive Management offer graduates a two-year, part-time, generalist business degree for managers.. WU Vienna’s 7 German-taught master’s programs. The Master's program in Supply Chain Management focuses not only on global issues connected to supply chains but also attracts many international students. Tuition Fees Please find all relevant information regarding the tuition fees here. Willkommen auf der Facebook-Seite der WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) / … Over 23,000 students from 110 countries are currently studying at WU and preparing themselves for a successful career in business or academics. Career prospects: Graduates have excellent prospects for careers in senior management, strategy consulting, business development, marketing, and sales. Graduates of the specialization in project management can manage projects professionally with a view to achieving sustainable results. With this joint degree program, you’ll double your success in the job market. 2 tracks, 11 specializations, global study opportunities In this internationally oriented program, you can choose between an Applied Track and a Science Track. SIMC bridges the gap between the qualitative aspects of management (strategy and innovation) and the quantitative aspects (management control and financial management). Wir sind gerne für Sie da. Die WU nimmt einen Spitzenplatz unter den Wirtschaftsuniversitäten ein: Nur 1% aller Hochschulen weltweit tragen die renommierte 3-fach Akkreditierung. Find out more! Im Masterstudium Management eignen Sie sich ein universell anwendbares, betriebswirtschaftliches Praxiswissen an. Driving the digital transformation This multidisciplinary program prepares students for working in a digital economy, focusing on how digital markets are structured and how they function. WU also offers 7 German-taught master’s programs. Im WU ZBP Career Center, der Schnittstelle zwischen WU Studium und Arbeitsmarkt, sind zahlreiche aktuelle Jobs zu finden – vom Praktikum bis hin zu Stellenangeboten als Einstieg ins Berufsleben, in KMU und Konzernen in Österreich und an internationalen Standorten. Nehmen Sie an unserer Umfrage teil. Both in the classroom and in our active student community, entrepreneurial thinking and attitudes are encouraged from day one.”. Numerous partnerships and cooperations with national and international companies in a variety of sectors allow students to benefit from our comprehensive professional network during their studies, start building up their own networks, and gain practical experience. Many graduates also decide to pursue a career in research. on 31 March 2021 Starting at 17:00 - Ending at 19:00, on 17 May 2021 Starting at 17:00 - Ending at 19:00. The program prepares graduates for leadership roles in the management of organizations.The Master’s Degree in Executive Management includes a large amount of interdisciplinary courses and projects. The master’s program . Wer einen Top Master an der WU in Management machen will, macht CEMS oder SIMC. This guide can help you find your way around WU and Vienna. Constructing good relations through troubles talk in intercultural teams, Stereotypical associations about professions, Strategy, Innovation and Management Control, Personnel Development and In-House Training Programs, Personnel Development Services for Administrative Staff, Personnel Development Services for Academic Staff, Personal Development Services for WU Management, Personnel Development Services for WU Professors, Further Services for WU Faculty and Staff, Sign­ing up for and drop­ping courses and ex­am­s.