As of PHP 7.0.0 these list of php keywords are allowed as property, constant, and method names of classes, interfaces and traits, except that class may not be used as the constant name. List of Keywords; Predefined Classes; Predefined Constants; List of other reserved words; The following is a listing of predefined identifiers in PHP. Features. Passing them as arguments (optionally as reference if you want to be able to modify them). It only means you cannot initialize an object from an abstract class. เกลียดนักมาเป็นที่รักกันซะดีๆ. they're not, really: they are language constructs. Make search for keywords from a field from an existing table. When the array is assigned to multiple values, then the first element in the array is assigned to the first variable, second to the second variable, and so on, till the number of variables. The list() function is used to assign values to a list of variables in one operation. […] Find a keyword / phrases in the existing table / content by search box using PHP responsive script. None of the identifiers listed here should be used as identifiers in any of your scripts. It uses inline styling for the highlight. So a list like this would be great. If you want to use it or any part you're most welcome. You have to use include/require statement. If you are using plain variables, you don't have to worry about this. Invoking static method of abstract class is still feasible. Example - 1 In this example, we are highlighting multiple keywords in search results. Consider a case where you have two classes with same name; you'll find it strange, but when you are working with big MVC structure, this happens. If match found we highlight those […] The simple keyword highlight. In a previous tutorial, we have seen advanced search in PHP. Word list 1 a,b,c ; Word list … Byte position of the data start can be determined by the __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ constant which is defined only if there is a __halt_compiler() presented in the file. I want to build one in PHP for the search page in my photo gallery app. of the following words as constants, class names, function or method names. Assign variables as if they were an array: