It just so happens that TypeScript has something called a type guard.A type guard is some expression that performs a runtime check that guarantees the type in some scope. We are then using the Object.keys method available since ES5. TypeScript’s predefined types in lib.d.ts are usually very well-typed and give tons of information on how to use built-in functionality as well as providing you with extra-type safety. The TypeScript compiler implements the duck-typing system that allows object creation on the fly while keeping type safety. The following example shows how we can pass objects that don’t explicitly implement an interface but contain all of the required members to a function. It would be much better if once we performed the check, we could know the type of pet within each branch.. While object (lowercased) represents all non-primitive types, Object (uppercased) describes functionality that is common to all JavaScript objects. It works pretty nice but what if I want to swap the key and the object (like Ramda's prop function)? TypeScript: Object.keys return string[] Ask Question Asked 2 years, 3 months ago. We want some type checking to happen but have the flexibility to add keys into the dictionary at runtime. Typing key into object with specific lookup type Is it possible to type a function argument such that for a given key K into an object of type A, the lookup type A[K] must be a specific type? This isn’t the sort of code you would want in your codebase however. 5m 3s. With object type, APIs like Object.create can be better represented. For example: #The Object Type. Here we are defining a user object and giving that user a first and last name. type Person = { name: string, age: number, id: number, declare const me: Person; Object. 3m 3s. Apart from that constraint on the union, though, we can basically just substitute a generic type parameter U , for “union,” where we had StateUnion before. With type object, TypeScript does not complain (because object has no properties and there can’t be any conflicts): const obj2: object = { toString() { return 123} }; Object type literals and interfaces # TypeScript has two ways of defining object types that are very similar: We can use an indexed object type annotation as follows: Use TypeScript’s never Type for Exhaustiveness Checking. forEach (key => User-Defined Type Guards. keys (me). 6. object is a type that represents the non-primitive type, i.e. Type safety for function returning object with keys from an array of string passed as argument The gist of what I'm hoping to do is to get type safety for a function that returns an object keyed to an arbitrary array of strings passed as an argument. This returns an array of the object’s properties (or keys). Represent Non-Primitive Types with TypeScript’s object Type. Object. Consider the following example with an object type Person:. TypeScript defines another type with almost the same name as the new object type, and that's the Object type. Lets take an example where we might want to map a list of A's into a list of B's via a function that accepts a list A's and two keys … Active 1 month ago. Exploring TypeScript's keyof operator using JavaScript. (That string-key constraint is important because objects in TypeScript can currently only use strings or numbers as keys; whereas union types can be all sorts of things.) ... Don't think you can do better then a type assertion (Object.keys(v) as Array) the definition is what it is – Titian Cernicova-Dragomir Oct 17 '18 at 13:50. Until they don’t. 7. Using an indexed object type annotation. anything that is not number, string, boolean, bigint, symbol, null, or undefined.