(Audience data source: Eurodata TV Worldwide / AGTT / GfK Teletest). Deconstruct the purchase process to position your brand, makes and models. Half of the 3,55 million TV households receive Satellite television, followed by 44% connected to cable TV, only half of which is digitised. According to the latest data pubblished by GfK, the Major Domestic Appliances (MDA) market recorded a good trend in the first six months of the year. Understand how brand perception and market reality are linked to guide you successfully through the post-lockdown economy. 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value=GfK in your country}', 13='{type=string, value=GfK in your country}', 15='{type=string, value=GfK in your country}', 17='{type=string, value=GfK in your country}', 19='{type=string, value=GfK in your country}', 21='{type=string, value=GfK in your country}', 23='{type=string, value=GfK in your country}', 25='{type=string, value=GfK in your country}', 27='{type=string, value=GfK in your country}'}], [About-GfK, Quick-Links, Legal], Total media measurement across all platforms. We create industry trading currencies for television, print, radio, out-of-home, online, and mobile—and for cross-media measurement. Or is it set for a record boost as we cheer ourselves with the money saved by being stuck at home this year? Rely on weekly Point of Sales data to maximize tactics, amend promotions, adjust forecasts and optimize crucial sales periods. GTK is a world class provider of high quality electronics. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2405078, '46cebb46-ece2-4d76-80c1-786aa1331397', {}); Understand your total reach across all media and devices, online or offline. Frequent insights into sell-out performance lets sales, marketing and product teams act quickly to optimize promotions, launches and exploit seasonal events. fa c ts & b a c k g r o u n ds We have a range of solutions across the campaign lifecycle to help you build campaigns that reach your consumers and drive results. Die Datenvermarktung im Ausland erfolgt auch über den französischen Datenvermarkter Mediametrie.Daneben bietet die AGTT für Sender, die nicht Mitglied der AGTT sind, die Möglichkeit, eine Senderlizenz zu erwerben. There’s nothing like a good book as the saying goes. The right products, audience, and timing are key to win. The market generated an overall value growth of 2.7 percent. Understand consumers and shoppers with our proprietary data sources and advanced analytics. GET TO KNOW US BETTER - … hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2405078, 'd7c9d4a1-5a46-40fe-a9f8-713bb585e9cd', {}); Contact us with product, career or other inquiries. Manage existing partnerships effectively. Understand consumers to transform their experience. You’ll be able to evaluate who is consuming what content across different media, platforms and devices, and know what the audience thinks about that content.GfK measures the media people consume and helps brands improve the performance of their campaigns. Earn brand loyalty. In depth currency measurement through audience demographics and engagement across media and devices. To deliver it, we have developed a modular approach that measures viewing behavior across all devices reported in our panels. Four measures decreased in comparison to the December 18th announcement and one measure increased. Link ‘why’ shop with ‘what’ was bought and ‘how’ it was purchased. Evaluate your performance vs. the competition. Understand market trends and consumer behavior. Visit our local website for more offerings and information in your country. Understand consumers and shoppers with our propriety data sources and advanced analytics. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. We monitor what products are selling, when, where and at what price – and by whom. 2© GfK 2015 | Mobile World Congress 2015 Mobile is a catalyst for change Sales of tablets 2011-2014 GfK Trends and Forecasting, global sales value, compound annual growth rate from 2011 to 2014 for tablets +65%Globally Emerging countries+110% +49% Developed world As tablet sales explode, the mobile web becomes mainstream. We provide competitor intelligence, demand forecasting and analysis of product, price, promotion and distribution. gfknewron takes that to another level. Understand your performance to identify competitive strengths and weaknesses and focus your marketing activity. This increasingly means collaboration with other research agencies, data providers and other third-parties, an approach that has worked well for us. If you know what factors your shoppers care most about, you can focus your environmental investment on areas that not only benefit our planet, but also attract maximum approval, loyalty and spend from your buying audience. Respond immediately to rapidly changing markets. Innovation, premiumization, performance, experience, simplification—understand these macro trends to maximize new and emerging opportunities in this crowded sector. Our team has devised state-of-the-art technologies and rigorous methodologies to track who is watching what, where, and how they engage with content. Following an investigation completed by the European Commission in 2009 regarding the financing and remit of the public broadcaster ORF, a new media law was passed in July 2010. Maximize your brand, campaign effectiveness and channel strategy with insights based on our market insights, consumer understanding, competitive intelligence and predictive analytics. Featured product Control negotiations with suppliers. Boost your brand with a powerful combination of solutions to maximize brand health, performance, and value. With our POS insights and advanced analytics, we can help you adjust your tactics fast to maximize impact. Market Intelligence keeps you up-to-date with local channel dynamics so you can make the right strategic decisions. We know that media is consumed across many different platforms, which is why our media measurement platform provides total audience measurement, regardless of how and where your audience engaged. PHONE: 01202 572000 9.30am - 6.00pm (MON - FRI) - CLOSED SAT & SUN. Harness technology & innovation to differentiate your offer. GfK owns media operations in over 25 markets across the world—evidence of the quality of our solutions and the reliability of our technologies. “Our new reality demands much faster responsiveness, to defend and gain market share.”Sean O’Neil, CPO, GfK | IFA 2020. In addition, the Group offers a complementary portfolio of advertising-financed free TV stations in Austria and Switzerland: The Group has launched four new special interest stations in Germany since 2010, namely sixx, SAT.1 Gold, ProSieben MAXX and kabel eins Doku. ProSiebenSat.1 Group’s biggest revenue market is Germany, where the Group holds the leading position in the TV market. GfK – Anti Facilitation of Tax Evasion – Policy Statement, GfK UK Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement – Financial Year end. GfK’s Map of the Month for February shows the regional distribution of multiple-person households with children in Germany in 2020. Here’s more about how we capture your audience across different platforms. Understand market trends and consumer behavior. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at GfK, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. If you know how strong your brand contribution is, you can strengthen your sales. The GfK Recruitment Processing Center address is 5610 Rowland Road, Suite 160 Minnetonka, MN 55343-9829. The right products, audience, and timing are the key to winning. Based on the interests you have shown by registering for this and other content, GfK may contact you in a direct and responsible manner to establish a business relationship. With over 25 years' experience, we can provide custom cable assemblies, connectors and displays, as well as PCBA and full turnkey products, for a wide range of industries and applications. Access market, consumer and competitive intelligence to improve your planning. With our point of sales insights and advanced analytics, we help you adjust your tactics fast to maximize impact. Boost your brand with a powerful combination of solutions to maximize brand health, performance and value. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2405078, '79a31dd8-90e6-41a9-913f-3a62db0ee215', {}); How Lenovo uses Weekly POS data to adjust forecasts and promotions rapidly, and maximize crucial sales periods. Download our whitepaper for more information. 14 - Diaries of the Great War (titled Great War Diaries when aired on the BBC) is a 2014 international documentary drama series about World War I.It uses a mix of acted scenes, archive footage, and animation. Has our Black Friday spending power been cannibalised by previous lockdown purchases? We haven’t just changed the rules. Shoppers are more empowered and demanding than ever. Our suite of marketing effectiveness solutions cut through the ‘noise’ to deliver clear and actionable insights so you can ensure your advertising message gets to the right people – everytime. With advanced analytics react quickly, optimize promotions, monitor competitors, and identify new opportunities. Many of the world’s biggest brands plan, buy, and maximize their media based on GfK’s audience measurement.We can also combine our world class media measurement technologies with passive purchase behavior data to close the loop on advertising campaign effectiveness. Make decisions fast with consumer trends, market and sales insights, combined with advanced analytics. All these measurements are combined in our central One Media Platform, enriched and, if necessary, supplemented with census data and/or third party data.We use different approaches ranging from the traditional - where one agency wins the tender and collects, processes and reports all the data - to the scenario where an agency provides some of the data; and finally, to where we connect the data built on collaboration, partnership and trust - not just between the industry and agencies - but also between different agencies. Access market, consumer, and competitive intelligence to improve your planning. This infographic covers the key learnings and trends observed in the United Kingdom across the period, outlining what it took for brands to win and where the opportunities might lie ahead. State-of-the-art technologies and rigorous methodologies to track who is watching what, where, and how they engage with media content on individual channels and cross-media. Activate your decision-making with comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date insights and advanced analytics. Quantify your brand value to activate growth. Learn locally. In today’s digital world, that is still the case, except readers now have so many ways to turn the pages – whether they are printed on paper, or accessible virtually. 1) In der ZG E 12-49 (Quelle: AGTT / GfK Teletest, Evogenius Reporting, Österreich, alle Ebenen, 01.09.2011 - 06.03.2012) Wir wünschen Ihnen bessere Unterhaltung. GfK is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Increase your brand contribution, maximize marketing effectiveness, and identify new opportunities with GfK's brand solutions. Manage your pricing strategy and tactics with a total market view. Benefit from insights from multiple data sources to understand how to grow your brand. You trust us to do data. GfK’s Digital Audience Measurement solutions. Understand who is consuming which media, when they consume it, how often, and on which platforms and devices with our media measurement platform. Für die Fernsehsender sind solche Daten Gold wert. Telenet offers television, internet and fixed and mobile telephony for private customers. Erdberger Lände 26a, 1030 Wien Telefon +43 (0) 800 20 7171 teletest.hotline@gfk.com We haven’t just changed the rules. Understand your performance to identify competitive strengths and weaknesses and focus your marketing activity. We are true pioneers of radio measurement, providing mobile metering technologies that captures listening behavior in and outside the home, as well as advanced hybrid methodologies and the integration of streaming audio. GfK combines advanced data analytics with latest AI technology to provide actionable recommendations for key decisions that drive business effectiveness. From our total audience measurement, you can then break down your reach across channels to better understand media consumption patterns and how each platform works together to create your total audience. We’ve reinvented the game. Learn more about how the global pandemic has impacted media and advertising. Determine pricing, promotion, marketing and merchandizing to drive sales across your portfolio. Influence purchasing decisions during any—and all—phases of the product life cycle. Manage your product portfolio's development, delivery, and performance using the latest market and consumer intelligence. Many of the world’s biggest brands plan, buy, and maximize their media based on GfK’s audience measurement. Manage your product portfolio's development, delivery, and performance using the latest market and consumer intelligence. Harness technology and innovation to differentiate your offer. We consume more media content on more channels and through more devices than ever before. "Companies need to be able to identify key signals from data noise - faster than ever. State-of-the-art technologies and rigorous methodologies to track who is watching what, where and how they engage with media content on individual channels and cross media. From trigger to drivers to decisions; diving deeper into purchase behavior insights will ensure smarter, faster business decisions. With advanced analytics, you can react quickly, optimize promotions, monitor competitors, and identify new opportunities. Bislang ermittelt die Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung GFK in 5640 Haushalten, was die Zuschauer sehen – die 1,7 Millionen Entertain-Kunden erlauben natürlich viel präzisere Messungen der Quote. Media owners, broadcast networks and their stations, plus advertisers and their agencies need accurate audience figures to make strategic and tactical decisions. We can deliver real-time recommendations that form the basis of your strategic and tactical decisions. GfK’s Published Media Measurement captures readership in print and online using a combination of passive tracking and consumer surveys, helping you to: Plan and evaluate advertising campaigns with the maximum audience reach, Assess total readership including digital reading, Link readership to purchase behavior to enhance targeting. gfk use to be digital trends they paid for firsat few months then stopped paying me, they then changed name to gfk digital trends payed me for first few months, then stopped alltogether. Our solutions use state-of-the-art technologies and rigorous methodologies to track who is watching what, where, and how they engage with content so brands can maximize ad campaigns.